
Jungle Run

Today was race day and boy was it hott! When the race started it was already 67 out. I could tell that it was going to be a hard race. The gun went off and I was off up a huge hill. How could they do that to us?? We ran along some city streets and then we entered onto the Los Gatos Creek trail. The race was packed so there was a lot of weaving to get past walkers and find my place in the race. Once I found my spot I was comfortable. My pace was quicker than normal but that ended quickly when the heat and hills came. Overall I am happy with my time and race. I feel like I am closer to my goal of running a half marathon, maybe even a marathon someday.


HappyTrails said...

Hi Lisa!
Thanks for stopping by our blog - we always enjoy finding new ones to follow. Good luck on your upcoming half-marathon. Keep up the hard work - it will pay off! We'll keep watching!

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